The sunny Sunday starts off just fine and we celebrated our Father’s Day in Safari World here in Bangkok where 3 off us are having so much fun and excitement. We return home quite late so we decided to have our dinner at home instead. So I asked hubby to bath Angel and keep a close eye on her in the living room while I can rush for dinner preparation after a tiring day.
Everything was almost done, so I pour the hot soup into 3 individual bowls, placing them at the very inner corner of the kitchen table top letting them to cool down a bit before moving them onto the dinner table in the living room. Angel has been extremely active lately and would climb onto our table and disturb whatever we placed there. I heard Angel’s voice coming out from the bath room after her bath so I continue with the cooking and then I was a bit surprise to hear that hubby was in the kitchen washing up the dirty dishes leaving Angel all alone in the living room. I don't feel right to leave Angel alone without knowing what she is up to coz she has been quite 'active' lately and would do almost anything that we forbidden her to do. So I worriedly ask hubby "Where is Angel? Why are you in the kitchen again? Don't leave her alone in the living room .... I think you better go out and keep an eye on her coz she has been pretty mischievous lately and .....” while turning around looking for her holding onto my cooking spatula still. OMG!!!!! I can’t believe my eyes when I turned and saw Angel is standing behind me in the kitchen reaching for her bowl of hot soup on the kitchen table top already. While I scream “NO!!!!” trying to stop her but it was too late, she got hold of the soup and the soup was already spilt all over the floor and also onto her hands!!!!! She was screaming helplessly but still trying her very best to balance her bowl of soup in her hands with more hot soup keep pouring onto her so I quickly grab the bowl and shout at hubby, “QUICK!!!! COLD WATER!! RINSE HER HANDS IN COLD WATER!!! FEET TOO!!! FEET TOO!!!” and hubby still MCC but still, grabbing the crying Angel to the toilet and rinse her hands while I keep saying “LOOK AT HER CHEST??? HER CHEST??? TAKE HER WET CLOTHES OFF HER SKIN!! IS HER CHEST HURT???” We quickly sat her down and check her all over. She was crying and shouting “BAO BAO!! MOMMY BAO BAO!!” with tears pouring down her face!! I was so terrified but my heart was a bit relief to find that her clothes is not wet at all …….. but both her hands, both feet and also a small patch of her lower chin turn so red after getting in touch with the hot soup. I quickly check again, no blisters and no skin peeling and I know she hates ice packs so I quickly ask hubby to grab for the minty toothpaste and apply sparingly onto both her hands and feet hoping that it will sooth her burns. Hubby rush to the pharmacy while I make the 2nd round check to make sure she do not need to be rush to the emergency ward ….. She was sobbing in pain and I can see that both her hands are still shivering uncontrollably and so are mine! I hug her close to me and I think I feel the pain more then she could feel it in her hands …….
Angel’s hands are still shaking when we apply some minty toothpaste on her hands, feet and a small patch on her chin while checking on her condition. From the picture, can see that the redness on her hands become less visible after ½ an hour, phew!
We are so relief to see that the toothpaste does cool down the burning sensation in her hands which stops her crying. We decided to clean her up and surprisingly, she doesn’t seems to feel the pain anymore and starts moving around and grabbing things again which I am so relief. So we apply the Aloe Vera Gel which hubby got from the pharmacy onto her hands and feet and also her chin again and again until she went to bed. The next day, the redness on her hands and feet are healing very well and living no sign of redness at all. When I pressed her hands and asked her if it's still painful, she said "No~~!" shaking her head ….. what a relief!!!! The red patches on her chin is also fading but I think the delicate facial skin will take few more days to be fully recovered. I hope it will not leave any marks and I really thank God of watching over Angel!
We covering her up with toothpaste on both her hands and feet and make her sit still on the chair watching her cartoon to calm her down. I think that is probably the one and only time that she is sitting there so quietly without making a move.I think the soup must have been cool down a bit while sitting on the kitchen top after some time. And also maybe Angel is holding her soup bowl on both the ear of the bowl extending them far away from her body and not ‘pulling’ the soup down from the kitchen top which it will come pouring all onto her face and body if she does that. What a relief!!!
Sometimes I really at wits end when it comes to letting hubby taking care of Angel even for a seconds as this is not the first time things happen when Angel is under his care, but I am more angry at myself for not being able to pay full attention to her every minutes and every seconds without help!!! Sigh!! Angel’s accident this round might seems to be just a minor one but the after shock which I go through really is such a nerve racking experience coz the moment when I saw the soup was pouring down at Angel’s direction, I really felt as if the hot soup was pouring down on me and felt the pain and it’s still there and will be there for quite some time. I don’t know how hubby is taking all these but I certainly feel so guilty for what had happened and I promise myself that this will be the very last time that this kind of
accident carelessness is going to happen ever again!! I think hubby feels the same way I do too …….
What an ‘unforgettable’ Father’s Day we had :(