Gong Xi Fa Chai and Happy Chinese New Year!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Greetings for CNY 2009
Gong Xi Fa Chai and Happy Chinese New Year!
Posted by MommyAngel at 12:42 AM 18 comments
Labels: Festivals n Celebrations
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Preparations for CNY
It has been a busy day for the past few days. Part of the reason is that Angel is getting demanding and nap lesser and lesser and also, really so many things to be done right before CNY!! As hubby is still very busy with the office work so until today our CNY shopping for me and hubby is not really done yet. I only manage to get myself 4 pairs of trousers, a pair of shoe and only 1 top while hubby still has none :( But I am glad that Angel’s new clothes and shoe are all done which can last her for at least a month (no time to upload these :( ) and also I just noticed that I even bought too many of her CNY ‘traditional costume’ for this coming CNY too, don’t know whether she would wear them all during this coming CNY.
I have been very ‘hard working’ too this year. Although I don’t really like cooking and baking but in order to make hubby feels at home and also feel the mood of CNY, I for the very first time baked him Barbecue Meat (Bak-Gua / Yuk-Gon / 肉干) which I got the recipe here. Although it doesn’t taste 100% like those we bought from the shop but I must say that they taste close and do taste good. Actually this one is the 2nd round that I make them coz the 1st round which I made which was yesterday night was all finished up by hubby before I even have time to cut them up nicely :) So these are my Barbecue Pork and also Barbecue Beef. Angel gets to have a share on them too :)
Besides the Barbecue Meat, for the first time I also made ourselves some CNY cookies :) I have made hubby’s favourite Peanut Cookies and also Angel’s Green Pea Cookies (as Angel couldn’t take any peanuts at this moment). Actually the peanut cookies I am using the Green Pea Cookies recipe which I got from a very talented mummy Lydia from her fantastic blog - 'My Kitchen' here and substitute the green pea with peanuts instead. They really taste good although it take me ages to do the moulding for the cookies :) So after the entire day in the kitchen, I really feel unwell maybe because of the heat!! Gosh …. Really solute those who make CNY cookies in bulk! I hope I don’t get sick during CNY as many of us tend to fall sick because of ‘over’ exhausting ourselves :). So I guess that’s all for my CNY baking and cooking in the kitchen and started to do some last minutes shopping for next few days :)
Gong Xi Fa Chai and a very Happy Chinese 牛 (New) Year to all of you ya :)
Posted by MommyAngel at 8:19 PM 23 comments
Labels: Baking, Festivals n Celebrations
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Where Are My Files??
Just now while I am half way blogging, hubby called and asked me to look for some documents ….. so I left and put Angel on her favourite DVD. When I returned, I saw that she was extremely concentrated in front of my computer holding onto my mouse (as usual ….. ) and I didn’t pay much attention to that and carried her down from the seat then move on to make her milk. Finally she took her nap and when I returned to my computer, I was horrified to see that I am in the “CUSTOMISE” page and when I look closely, OMG, some of my posts were missing …. Even my blog format has changed with some missing elements too! Gosh ….. She deleted my files!!!
Actually this is not the first time she has deleted things from my computer, few weeks back I also accidentally found that I can’t find some of the pictures which I’ve saved on my desktop and later when I am using the search to relocated them, I found them in the Recycle Bin folder!!! Since then I only starts to pay attention to her while she is messing with my computer again …. Then I only realised that actually Angel is able to use the mouse pretty well and also hold it the correct way as if we adults were holding it. She even knows how to ‘Right’ click and ‘Left’ click (but didn’t know what’s the difference between them 2 of course … she would just click click click), moving the cursor in the screen and also use the ‘scroll’ button (in the middle of the mouse) by using her index finger moving the page up and down!!!! Maybe she has been watch me net surfing too much or I really have been on the net too much lately?? The other reason was also because I am using a very colourful light-up Hello Kitty Mouse and that’s why she pays more attention to it when I am net surfing?? (she use to sit beside me whenever I am online).
It took me few hours to just to retrieve and also reinstalled 80% of the elements in my blog back!! I am glad that she didn’t delete my entire blog away or any of the program files ( I hope). I don’t think I can retrieve some of those unsaved file back which she’d deleted from my blog, sigh! :( :( I just hope that she didn’t deleted something important which I am still not aware off, and also hope those deleted stuffs which I still unaware off are those unimportant stuffs! I think from this moment onwards, I will have to turn my computer off totally just in case that she deleted my programs files then I will surely be in big trouble!!! Can’t believe that a merely 1 year + baby knows how to create such a mess just by a few clicks on the mouse!! Last time during our days, I don’t even know what is a computer let alone using a mouse?? Really never under estimate the ability to construct and/or the power to destruct from a young child nowadays :)
Posted by MommyAngel at 12:08 AM 25 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
Gloves In A Bottle
With a baby to take care and house work to be done 24/7, my hands are always rough and dehydrated at all time due to excessive washing, exposing to cooking heat and also endless house chores. Normal conventional lotions do help in some degree but they tents to being washed off so easily following another round of washing. After seeing some of my blogger friends posting a good comment about how Gloves In A Bottle help solved their problems, I decided to give this miracle lotion a try.
I started using Gloves In A Bottle just a few days ago and I can see how quickly my skin condition has improved. My hands are much softer and supple compare to before and also, this lotion doesn’t came off easily like my other lotion and the protection lasted for hours. What I love most about Gloves In A Bottle is the fact that It is a hypoallergenic, non greasy formula and once applied, it bonds instantly with the skin outer layers hence no residual or uneasy feeling were left behind, while knowing that my hands are well protected for hours. Furthermore, I am delighted to know that this unscented shielding lotion actually act as a barrier (as if a pair of invisible gloves) keeping my hands out from irritants such as latex allergen, anti-bacteria soup (which I am currently using a lot at this moment) while maintaining and protecting the natural moisture of my skin making them stay hydrated all the time.
I am so happy that I was introduced to such wonderful and yet revolutionary product in terms of ‘Restoring’ and ‘Protecting’ the nature moisture of the skin at the same time. If you are interested in giving Gloves In A Bottle a try too, please do not hesitate to sent an email to Pete Grimaldi to request for a sample.
Posted by MommyAngel at 11:58 PM 14 comments
Labels: Reviews
My Birthday Treat (Part 3 of 3)
On our final day at Ayuthaya, we find it tough to get a taxi back to Bangkok and the hotel charged us 1,900B for an hour trip back which is so expensive. So we planned to take the train instead (I think Angel will love trains too) so after breakfast, we went to the floating restaurant again so that Angel can have some fun feeding the fishes on the rivers before heading back. We had so much fun sitting at the jetty, feeding the fish while having coffee and watching the boat passes by at the same time. Angel loves to throw the fish food into the river rather then enjoying watching the fishes. It feels so great to be able to laze around, sitting on the jetty platform where the water was just barely 1/2 feet below my feet (when a boat passes by, the water actually touches my shoes) and enjoy the cold breeze and sunshine. Angel doesn’t want to leave and neither do I …… but luckily we did get back to the hotel earlier because when we reaches the hotel, there was a taxi outside our hotel and I am so glad that he is also heading back to Bangkok and we got a ride for merely 700B only!
The entire trip was so relaxing and although Angel does fuss a bit when we were touring around, but I am lucky that we hired our own transportation for the trips where we do not have to follow any schedules, rushing for tours and also do not need to seat in a confined bus/ van while carrying Angel on my laps. This trip was also a good opportunity to expose us and Angel to the nature because we do not went to any shopping malls nor any man-made recreation parks (maybe next trips somewhere else). Instead, we see birds, fishes, cats and dogs along the way with ample of green tress, rivers, sunshine and cold breeze taking a trishaw as our means of transportation. It feels extra special actually.
This is definitely one of the greatest trip that I have ever been to (not about the place but the atmosphere and the person I went with) and the most relaxing trip for me as well. Thanks to sweet hubby who really helped so much in taking care of Angel throughout the entire trip from morning nappy change, feedings until night time bathing Angel and put her into her pajamas, etc. So when I was in the hotel, basically what I did was lying on the bed and watch TV while hubby is so busy entertaining Angel. It really feels like heaven on earth!!! :)
Posted by MommyAngel at 1:43 AM 14 comments
Labels: Festivals n Celebrations, Travel
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
My Birthday Treat (Part 2 of 3)
The next day at Ayuthaya, we hired a ‘taxi’ and it was actually a motored ‘Trishaw’ that came (that’s their taxi) :D Although I am afraid of sunlight but I am more then happy to get on it coz Angel gets so excited sitting on it and wow … it was such an unforgettable experience as the weather is just nice during this period of time. We visited a few ancient ruins and magnificent historical temples (it’s not those that we normally saw in Malaysia, it’s more like a historical castle with magnificent architectural build and scale) and they looks so special. After some tiring tours, we headed for our lunch to try their local famous dish, the ‘boat noodle’. It taste really nice, the soup was something I never tested before, like a mixture between tom yum and sweet soup + a bit of chili. Angel got herself a bowl of clear soup vermicelli as well. After our lunch, we headed back to the hotel for Angel’s afternoon naps and in the evening, after touring more temples and around the town, we headed for another floating restaurant somewhere (forgot the name) and the food was superb (500+B). The night market we intended to go did not open that night so finally we went to another smaller night market and bought something there before headed back to the hotel again. However when I am taking my bath, suddenly I heard a bang and Angel’s crying sound, after rushing out from the bathroom, hubby told me Angel was jumping on our bed and fall hard onto the carpet floor face down. OMG ….. but I am so thankful that she is alright because she start doing the jumping again 5 minutes later :( Kids ….. but this time I make sure hubby is paying full attention to her.

Posted by MommyAngel at 12:40 AM 24 comments
Labels: Festivals n Celebrations, Travel
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
My Birthday Treat (Part 1 of 3)
Hubby gave me a surprised by bringing us for a vacation to Ayuthaya, Thailand on my birthday. Actually our day didn’t started well as me and hubby had an early morning fight before we board and also when we were taking a cab from Bangkok to Ayuthaya, the apparently very polite and soft spoken taxi driver not only over charged us for our trip (1,300B), when he unloaded our luggage from the taxi car trunk, he tried to steal my purse (or should I say he has stolen my purse) from my hand luggage!!! Initially I didn’t feel good that hubby actually put my hand luggage at the back of the taxi trunk so after the ‘helpful’ taxi driver unloaded our stuffs from the taxi (while me and hubby was busy unloading Angel’s stuffs from the front seat), I just do a quick check on my purse ….. and I really couldn’t believe my eyes when I can’t find my purse there anymore! When the taxi driver saw that I actually checked my bag, he somehow panic a bit and go to his trunk as if he is tidying up the car trunk (he is either trying to hide my purse / left my purse back there to let me ‘find’ it) and there is where I found my purse back, under the layers of carpet (how could my purse get ‘under’ the carpet which was loaded with luggage if it was fallen out by itself?) and the stupid taxi driver still acting making a ‘relief’ face and sound and tell me I am lucky that I didn’t ‘left’ my purse at his trunk >:( He thought we were stupid!!!! Anyway, I am glad that at least my purse was still with me!!
We do nothing much on the first day and had our dinner in the floating restaurants beside our hotel (taste so-so but the view is ok and cost us 800+ B) and have a walk at a small night market where Angel chase some dogs there (she is so daring). After that we headed straight back to hotel. I am a bit exhausted and before dozed off at midnight, suddenly hubby “shoosh ….” me and tell me there is someone knocking at our door and before I could tell hubby off and pull the blanket over my head, I saw hubby holding a birthday cake with candles where the room service boy is standing at our door site watching me and Angel lying on the bed, hahaha ……. I am really thrilled and Angel’s eyes were so big staring at those candles!!!! Hubby sang me a birthday song (while I was still blur blur still try to figure out what’s happening), Angel tried to help me with those candles blowing and gosh …. The hotel actually surprised me with a birthday candle pranks (no wonder the candles keep lighting back) until hubby needs to take those candles to water them off in the toilet which he said he got nothing to do with the pranks :P The entire room was so smoky due to the candles but the cake taste so nice especially during midnights, so I am lying on my bed eating my birthday cakes and can’t stop myself from smiling don’t know for what! I also got a birthday card and an ‘Ang Pow’ from hubby as my birthday gift :) The funny part was the design of the cake, I saw something like an ‘apple’ character on my cake and asked hubby why ……. hubby told me actually he called the hotel manager to arrange for the cake and he asked for “a vanilla cake with strawberry decorations” (which means using fresh strawberry layering on top like a fruit cake) and the cake house actually made a vanilla cake with a strawberry pattern on top, hahahaha …… so that’s my lovely ‘strawberry’ deco cake, must have given the bakery such a hard time to think of how to draw a strawberry coz I don’t think anyone will purposely asked for a strawberry to be drawn on top as decorations LoL It was funny!!! But the cake was nice, I ate almost half of the 2 pound cake actually and given half of it to the hotel staffs :)
Posted by MommyAngel at 1:42 AM 20 comments
Labels: Festivals n Celebrations, Travel
Triple Awards
This is the first time I received three awards at one time. Thanks to these lovely mummies JoanneT , PeiWun, Yeng Ping, Bonnie, Olive and Joanne Ngan for the awards and I love the award so much!! Thank you guys :)
First Award:
Here are the rules for the recipients:
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
1) Jennifer
Posted by MommyAngel at 1:40 AM 2 comments
Labels: Blogger's Award
Monday, January 12, 2009
Your Blog is Fabulous Award
Lovely Ling & Kristie passed this special award to me and I would say a big THANK YOU to them as they are such fabulous blogger to me as well. Thank you once again dear for the award, I really appreciate it so much :)
As part of this award, I must now list 5 addictions and then pass on to 5 more fabulous blogs.
My addictions are:
1. Cheese!!! and Desserts!!!
2. Shopping for baby stuffs, Bento gadgets, online shopping etc
3. Fishing
4. Music / Karaoke, etc
5. My baby Angel and also ........ (hate to admit it but unfortunately it's a fact) Daddy Angel :)
Now, I would like to pass this special award to my dearest blogger friends:
1. Serene
2. Mummy Gwen
3. Umma
4. Esmeralda
5. YenPing
Posted by MommyAngel at 6:00 PM 4 comments
Labels: Blogger's Award
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Birthday Breaks
It will be my ‘big day’ (again?? so fast??) in a couple of days and just now workaholic hubby surprised me that he has taken a few days leave to ‘brighten up’ my days *smile*. So I guess, I will be very busy ‘being entertained’ (oh my!!!!) as well as get to have some good breaks from the normal cleaning, cooking, baby sitting ... etc for few days :D Hurray!! I’ll have to take a short break from blogging as well just in case hubby complains that I blog too much :) So see you guys real soon :)
Posted by MommyAngel at 11:55 PM 24 comments
Labels: Festivals n Celebrations, Others
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Little Miss “No No”
Angel is marching into another phase of childhood development lately, from our little baby who is always so obedient and never show any signs of disagreements towards Mommy/ Daddy 'most' of the time ……… to this little Miss “No No” all the time.
Mommy : Angel, please pick up your toys.
Angel : No, No! (while turning her face around with her back facing us!)
Mommy: Angel, come here and let mommy wash your bottom.
Angel: No, No! (ran away as quickly as possible.)
Mommy: Angel, opened up your mouth.
Angel: No, No! (Shake her head and close her mouth tide with both hands.)
Daddy: Angel, give the remote control back to Daddy.
Angel: No, No! (hide the remote control at her back.)
Daddy: Angel! Don’t climb up the chair, it’s dangerous!
Angel: No, No! (climb even higher and faster ….)
Mommy and Daddy: Angel!!!! come back here …..!!!!!
Angel: No, No, No, No! ….. (ran away even faster ………)
Mommy: Angel ….
Angel: No! No! No! No!! ………………..
So most of the time, I will be repeating the same old phrase again and again asking her not to do this, not to do that but yet, she still does it!! When we asked her to do / not to do something, she will surely do the opposites as if she does that on purpose so to taste our limits. Hubby asked me not to waste my time and energy talking to her anymore because it doesn’t work on her (I really had a sore throat talking nicely to her and then raising my voice to her lately) and asked me to take out our little magic cane instead! Hubby and I are not really into the canning idea so just by showing our ‘magic cane’ to her (hitting on the table a few times) really makes her listen to us for a moment. Yeah …. No wonder those Judges in Court have to do that with their hammer too.
I really do not know how long will this little Miss “No No” thing last but at the mean time, I really need to prepare myself for her terrible 2 stage which will be very soon. I think for my next shopping trip, I need to stock up more on my Strepsils Lozenges rather then her diapers!!!!
Posted by MommyAngel at 11:55 PM 23 comments
Labels: Angel
Monday, January 05, 2009
My Disposable Diaper Loot (Jan 09)
We went to groceries shopping yesterday and also replenished some of Angel’s diaper stocks. As hubby was quite boring to browse at the diaper sections all the time, he suggested why not we really stocked up as before so that we do not have to walk to the diaper section whenever we were at the market ….. Oh well, since hubby said so, I just grab as much as I can until our trolley was way overloaded!! So .... That's what we bought yesterday. Yes, I love stocking up on Angel’s diapers so much!! :P Actually Angel has been using some AIO cloth diaper lately but too bad, our washing machine was broken few days back and also, I find that I hardly have time to wash them in time as Angel is quite clingy to me lately. So I think I still need to stick with the disposables for the moment being.
Actually Angel has been using MP all these while but somehow, I have tried HU and found that HU also very good in terms of quality and cutting (but not other Huggi*s as you can see from my previous post :P). Therefore on day time, I will change her into HU and night time I will still stick with my all time favourite - MP. I do hope that this will be the very last stacks of disposable diapers that I will buy but that is of course depends “if” Angel is cooperative enough in her potty training. I wonder will my diaper stocks actually last that long?
Posted by MommyAngel at 4:36 PM 24 comments
Labels: Diapers
Sunday, January 04, 2009
Weekend Kai-Kai
As usual, we brought Angel out for our weekend Kai-Kai again. She loves to go to the mall but it is getting harder and harder keeping her to stay near to us as she would stroll away on her own whenever she has the chance to. She is not afraid nor will look for mommy and daddy as long as there is something new to look at, sigh!! Most of the time she would just run away from us and when hubby rush to catch her, she will be giggling even louder and run faster towards the escalator *sweat*. That’s why normally I won’t have much pictures taken when we were out as me and hubby really have to take turn watching her or worst, carrying her all the time just in case that she ‘escape’ from us again @~@. She won’t want daddy to carry her as much too which is a very bad sign for my arms and back :)
Normally during weekends, the malls are so pack with people (especially these period of time) so it’s not a very good idea to let her walk freely as her tiny size is not easily noticed by most people and also, heavy shopping carts are everywhere too. However, I will be missing her so much if I were to leave her at home alone with hubby too. So normally we would really hope that she will take a good nap when we were in the mall (which rarely happens) so that me and hubby can have a break to sit down and have a nice cup of coffee / chocolate at Starbucks. However for today, she stays awake for the entire day so no coffee break for hubby and me, but instead, we went to have some ice-cream and Angel gets to eat the biscuits from the toppings and also tiny bits of mommy’s yummy ice-cream. It has been a great day for us but as usual, hubby did complain that his leg was “paralysed” from walking too much (again!) and needed a ‘day off’ staying at home tomorrow :D

Posted by MommyAngel at 12:00 AM 17 comments
Labels: Day Out
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Draw, Draw, Draw!!
Finally, I am so happy that Angel gets to do some drawing exercises at home :) All she does was just simply doodling with any colours she likes and whatever way she prefers. I still remember vividly that the very first time I handed her the jumbo crayons and asked her to draw on the paper, she hesitated. She couldn’t believe that mommy is letting her to hold the crayons!!! (Last time I used to stop her whenever she tries to grab my pen :P) So I hold her little hand and as I make a line on the paper, she was so amazed that the pen can actually make a line on the paper. So I let her do it herself and after making the first line on her own and still double checked on my facial expression that I was definitely not going to be mad at her, there she goes …… strokes after strokes she makes and with a smile on her face :)
Actually I have been starting to pile up on her drawing equipments since she was about 1 year old but due to lack of time, I didn’t start her on her drawing any earlier because I wants to make sure I have time to stay there and watched over her just in case if she feels like chewing the crayons (which she might, trust me!) or even make a pretty line on our sofa or worst the walls! (although I got her a washable crayon). Further more, I noticed that all the drawings pencils / crayons indicated for kids 3 years and above and most of them were from China :(
Angel’s first masterpiece was done couples of weeks back and from her drawings, I noticed that she is very careful and only making a light strokes very gently over the page. As time goes by, she is using more pressure on the crayons now and making big movements too. Most of the time, she will also prefers to draw on the table then the paper and if I were to turned away for a second, you can see that she trying to draw on herself too and sometimes even feels tempted to taste the crayons LoL However, I am glad that she enjoys drawing and normally the entire page will be done in less then 15 minutes. I do hope to start her on some simple colouring but still searching for some good materials (as those normal kids colouring books still seems to be too advance for her stage). At the mean time, hopes that she will enjoy the drawing process and explore herself with colour as well as improves the way she would hold a crayon correctly for a start :) Actually I love to watched Angel draw as she was very concentrated and trying very hard to control her hands movements ….. wonder when will she drew a picture especially for mommy? I will be all over the moon I guess :)
Posted by MommyAngel at 8:08 AM 16 comments
Labels: Arts, Daily Activities
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Daddy’s and Mummy’s Cooking
This is the first day of a new year 2009 and early in the morning, I found hubby is in the kitchen busy preparing porridge for our little Angel. (oh … how sweet ….) Normally hubby will be too lazy to cook as he prefers to laze on the sofa and turned on his favourite TV program / playing puzzle with our playful Angel. But since few days ago I get hubby to cook for Angel as I was too busy doing our year end house cleaning, he seems to enjoy playing ‘cook’ for Angel and asked how I mix and matched Angel’s food as well as the timing to add in the different ingredients because Angel seems to eat pretty slow on the first and second day hubby play chef and also, the colour of the porridge looks very dull due to excessive cooking. So after much consultation for the past few days, today hubby decided to cook Angel’s Porridge with Broccoli, Potatoes, Carrots, Chicken Meat and stir in an Egg just before the fire went off. (Angel is still on her lengthy allergy test against eggs so no new food to be introduced still :( :( ).
Once the porridge was done, hubby commented that the colour of the porridge looks so much nicer and also, the taste of the porridge really improves dramatically!! I must say that this is a good combination in terms of colour and flavour. I certainly am very proud of hubby and also very happy to see that Angel enjoys and learned to appreciate Daddy’s cooking more finally :)
As for our dinner, I also tried something new at home – Curry Chicken! I am not good in cooking curry but this one is really a hit! I also put in some Potatoes, Egg Plant, Lady’s Fingers and some Shitake Mushrooms into the curry and they really taste great. Hubby is so delighted to see his curry dish and ate 2 big plates of rice to night. Too bad Angel couldn’t take any spicy food for the moment being or else, we will let her have a taste of how curry really taste like, wonder what will her reaction be then? Can’t wait :)

Posted by MommyAngel at 11:58 PM 21 comments
Labels: Homecook Meals, Hubby, Toddler Food
A New Header for A New Year 2009
Happy New Year!! This is my first post of the year and as the New Year starts, I am also very glad to say that my blog is having a new customized header for a start at last, Hurray!!! As I am a complete dummy in computer programs, so it too me almost 48 hours (….. few days ago) on and off just to complete my simple header from scratch (yes, I didn’t sleep for 2 days at all coz I get to concentrate more at night as Angel was asleep and survive merely on coffees during the day :P) but the outcome is very rewarding, at least for my own sense of satisfaction. I don’t think if I were to do it again, I will managed to get the same effects but as a computer dummy, I can’t ask for much, can I ? :) It’s nice to be able to see Angel’s smiling face shinning all over my blog header now. It’s not perfect but at least it’s mommy’s hard work and it’s up there.
P/s: A big Thank you to Mummy Gwen for the idea of the ‘oranges’ too :P
Posted by MommyAngel at 10:49 PM 22 comments
Labels: Others