As usual, we brought Angel out for our weekend Kai-Kai again. She loves to go to the mall but it is getting harder and harder keeping her to stay near to us as she would stroll away on her own whenever she has the chance to. She is not afraid nor will look for mommy and daddy as long as there is something new to look at, sigh!! Most of the time she would just run away from us and when hubby rush to catch her, she will be giggling even louder and run faster towards the escalator *sweat*. That’s why normally I won’t have much pictures taken when we were out as me and hubby really have to take turn watching her or worst, carrying her all the time just in case that she ‘escape’ from us again @~@. She won’t want daddy to carry her as much too which is a very bad sign for my arms and back :)
Normally during weekends, the malls are so pack with people (especially these period of time) so it’s not a very good idea to let her walk freely as her tiny size is not easily noticed by most people and also, heavy shopping carts are everywhere too. However, I will be missing her so much if I were to leave her at home alone with hubby too. So normally we would really hope that she will take a good nap when we were in the mall (which rarely happens) so that me and hubby can have a break to sit down and have a nice cup of coffee / chocolate at Starbucks. However for today, she stays awake for the entire day so no coffee break for hubby and me, but instead, we went to have some ice-cream and Angel gets to eat the biscuits from the toppings and also tiny bits of mommy’s yummy ice-cream. It has been a great day for us but as usual, hubby did complain that his leg was “paralysed” from walking too much (again!) and needed a ‘day off’ staying at home tomorrow :D

Angel is sooo cute there. She is so happy playing there..hehe. You are well prepared to bring colouring stuff for Angel while you and your hubby have something to eat. Gwen was also like Angel last time. Now better at least listens sometimes..hehe. She needs some scolding from me..hehehe.
Angel is so focus on her drawing. Like very serious hahahahaah
I like bringing Philip out too cos when he is back home, he will be sleeping soundly n i will have peace..;)
She is soo cute in the hair style... going to keep long hair for her??????? I like Kai Kai too, and so do my Yan Yan... I got to bring her out whenever I go, because I can't leave 2 of my babies to my MIL, I just afraid she can't handle 2 of them...
I also afraid to bring Xixi go to the mall nowadays especially weekends. Everywhere so packed. I saw a mummy use the "body harness" to tie herself and the kids together, so at least the kid can't run too far from her. But hor, my hubby said macam bring a pet to kai kai wor.. hahaha.
i feel so in the Chinese new year mood just by looking at angel here... sooo cute!
wahhh I liket Angel dress like CNY mood nice to see her focus in drawing...
may be can think of other place instead of the Mall during good to bring her to different place like the beach, the garden etc....let her feel n touch with the environment later she wont only know one place call the MALL..
I like Angel's hairstyle and also the two little hair clip. So suits her!
She really had a great time in playing the swing and eating the ice cream.
At this moment, Sarah still very scared to walk during we shopping, so I think is a good thing...hehe.
Every malls oso crowded during weekends recently!~
Mummy Gwen, ya …. Everytime she gets to go kai-kai again she will be very happy :) Oh, I didn’t bring the colouring stuffs because that can’t keep her occupied for long. The colouring stuffs in the pix was lend to her by one of the staffs (her daughter’s one apparently :)) so she gets to use them for awhile lo :)
Rachel, her concentrations in drawings only last for few minutes only. I think Philip must be a really obedient when he is out ….. normally if we brings Angel out and when we are back, we are the one who feels very tired and will sleep soundly, kekeke …..
Mummy Moon, I think I will keep her hair to this length coz easier to manage, hope can keep her hair long too but she sweat a lot at home. So you will normally leave Heng Heng to MIL n bring Yan Yan along? Ya … sometimes it’s a bit difficult to handle 2 kids at once, I feel tired too even with only one at the moment :)
Serene, Hahaha …. I hope the one you say using the safety harness is not me!! Kekeke ….. FYI, I do use the safety harness for my Angel as well and I find it very useful. That day I saw another mommy is using it too (glad that I am not the only one coz it really looks strange sometimes :P). Ya … it’s a bit like those using for our ‘pet’ but normally I don’t really “pull tide” all the time as Angel walks coz it really looks like walking our pet, I will just put it on her, let loose the harness and hold her head and walk together with her so the harness is just hanging loosely on her back. In case that she runs away or run towards some dangerous spots, I will use that to ‘stop’ her. That safety harness not cheap too so must fully utilize that, hahaha :)
Merryn, thanks …. I am so into CNY mood as well :)
Yugene, actually that dress is suppose to be her X’mas dress but we didn’t go out that day so ….. wear it today lo, hahaha. Ya, I agreed no more with you, bringing them to beach and garden is a very good idea …. I am planning to do that more in the coming months and hopefully the weather is not that hot la. But these few weeks, we went to the mall more to shop of CNY, hahaha :)
JT, thanks … I like to tie her hair up like that :) Ya, she is having so much fun in the mall. Sarah very scared to walk in the mall ah? Maybe she just started to walk so she has not build her confidence yet so I think it’s a time for mommy to enjoy shopping still. Later when she wants to run around the mall, like my Angel, I feel like I am babysitting her when I am out too, just the place changed from home to the mall :)
PeiWun, yes …. These few weeks the malls are so crowded with people because everybody is shopping for CNY. Wait till the very last day of CNY eve and I think the place will even crowded.
Angel is so cute and chubby, see her hand, so big size, hehe... must be mummy's porridge right :)
Is nice to tie Angel's hair like that, super cute!
- Yes, I think Sarah is not confident yet when she is walking at outside, so I still have time to enjoy my shopping..hehe.
Joanne, you also have a blogger site ya?? Angel's hand big size ah? hahaha ..... actually slim down a lot liao lo, last time even chubbier :)
JT, Ya ..... enjoy your shopping while you can :) But I think you need not to worry leh coz I can see that Sarah is not as naughty as Angel.
Aiyooo...Angel is so cute. You dress up her like she is getting ready go to school...hehehe...feel wanna hug her...
Natalia, Hahaha ... really? ya lor, that dress looks a bit like uniform hor :)
The food looks good. Where is it ar?
Hey, your scrap is getting more interesting.
Caroline, i have 2 blogger site longer time, but juz posted some at this blog recently, the others not active at all... coz hav mood wanna use blogger site, hope can continue my 'efford' la, hehe..
I saw Angel's hand look more bigger at drawing n eating pic mah, u said she slim down liao, but she still gain a weight right, hehe... she still look sooo chubby n cute wor :):)
Julie, Thanks .... we went to dine in Swenson that day :)
Joanne, ic ic .... no wonder suddenly I saw your name here coz I didn't know you have a blogger account :) Keep up the good work ya :)
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