Ok .... I think I have lost some of my bento boxes!!!! Can't find it anywhere :( :( That's the consequences of forever moving houses and maybe I have lost them in the process of our relocation 2 years ago, or the one 4 years ago*I guess*. Oh dear, I hope I didn't loose any of my bento tools or bento books though (aikkks!!).
Anyway, I have started to make some decorated meals for Angel again during our trip back in Shanghai last month. With no bento boxes, I don't know whether it's still considered as Bento, hahahahaha.
Here it goes ....
Hello Kitty Mince Meat with Mui Choi (Hello Kitty 梅菜猪肉)
Looks simple but took me 1 hour+ to prepare this. I decorated the face and ribbon with beet root.
Lunch was Hello Kitty Mince Meat over some rice, plus Beet Root soup. Ok, needless to say, when I came out from the kitchen, Angel had polished up ALL her food in a lightning speed before I manage to even take any picture! *jaw dropped* I really hoped that she didn't choke that day .....
Tomato-Eye face Rice
This is easier to prepare .... tomato fried rice, broccoli nose and grill chicken for mouth :P This is enough to make Angel happy :)
Disney Clarabelle the Cow
Don't know whether Clarabelle looks like this but Angel is please with it.
This time I did get the camera ready before she starts eating like what happened yesterday ...... smile and say CHEEEESSSS ^_^ I can't wait to eat!!!
Little Monster Egg Noodle
I didn't actually planned to do anything with this Mushroom Egg Noodle that I prepare for Angel breakfast. But then ...... this little girl wope up adn saw me preparing her breakfast in the kitchen then open the kitchen door and said, "Uuuuu .... I wonder what mommy will make for my BENTO this time!! I can't wait!!!!" then skipping away happily while clapping her hands.
*Gulp* How to disappointed her ah ...... so I make this loh with no effort at all :P :P. Raisin monster as bumps on his head, mushroom eyes, veggie nose and ketchup eyebrows and lip.
I told her the monster is still sleepy and luckily, she is happy with it and say, "Wow .... a sleepy monster ~~~, COOL!!!" @_@
Sanrio Shinkansen Train
She suddenly loves tuna bread spread! So I make her a tuna bread Shinkansen train sandwich for breakfast. 2 little quill eggs at the side and some cherries! So lazy to find my bento mould so I just do the train free-handed from memory.
I used some remaining bread crust on the train for decoration purposes and told her not to eat it as it's a bit thick and hard to bite but she is so excited that she ate everything (except those picks and food cups).
Little Penguin Tuna Spread Bread
Ok .... looks simple but Angel actually teach me how to make this penguin. We actually 'discuss' what should we make with a plain piece of bread with tuna spread without having to use any of the bento moulds/tools
Ya bah .... washing them is hard work you know, I got no maid you see, huk huk huk :(
Cut both side of penguin as wings, bread crust for beak, again, raisin for eyes and strawberry jam for cheeks. We used the back of the Teddy Bear Chocolate biscuits which looks actually like a paw to make its feet. Again, cute and very easy to do penguin is done, 100% Mommy and Angel's creation *yippie*
She is so happy with OUR first own creation and insisted to have the same penguin bread for the next few days and want nothing else!! I am more then happy :)
Little Miss Bear and Caterpillar in Garden
Little Miss Bear mince meat in a garden with 2 tiny bear made of quill eggs at the side + 1 busy caterpillar made of steam broccoli. Strawberries heart, carrots sun and a stalk of flower with strawberry and broccolli at the side (that is if you noticed that. Angel say the flower looks ugly, hahahahaha). Again, totally bento mould/ tools free today so no more washing :)
She doesn't eat veggie especially if she can still "identify it's original shape" but this time, she wallop the entire caterpillar in no time!
To put a smile on her face is really that simple! And the consequences since starting to pack these cute little meals for her was ...........
She has gain some weight, add in a small package (i.e.a round belly) and looks chubbier when she return to school :) I think I should stop doing bento for her for awhile now, hehehehehe.

How I wish I could do that same for Annabelle as well before I hear "someone" in the house saying, "You have nothing better to do ah???" :( :( ...... wait lah, till Annabelle is back in Shanghai then I will make the same for her too. Can't wait :)