Days before Valentine's Day, I always tell myself that I don't need expensive flowers on Valentine's Day and being rip-off by the florists for something that I do not really fond of! No no to flowers!!!!!

I asked my mom: "You bought it for me? Don't bluff me ah!!! Really from him?"
Ok, this man has not forgotten all about his wife after all! Aikss ... no chance to "faat-lan-zha" with him already and called him straight away with a different voice tone! :P

^ ^ Except for this young lady! She absolutely hates the flowers getting anywhere near her and frown frown frown! :P :P

^ ^ But this lady, it is totally different! She loves 'em and asked whether it's from daddy for her :)
Angel really thought daddy sent her those flowers and tell me she loves it so much but reinstate that she doesn't want to get married with daddy and have babies! :P Angel also gives me a big hug when coming back from her school and wish me Happy Valentine's Day as instructed by her class teacher! That's very sweet of her and I do hope that I will get her hugs and kisses everyday for Valentine's Day.
But after D day, all these flowers has been sitting in the living room and I do not know what to do with them. Such a waste ....... and starts wondering how nice if we can cash that and used it for something more well worthy and useful!! OK, I must remember no flowers! no flowers! again next year :P

Luckily few days later, we passed it to our neighbour to turn it into dry flowers. Problems solved at last ^_^
Then I asked hubby, no cards from him?? He then sent me an email and asked me to help him post it onto facebook!! Haaiii .... that one also need help? I didn't but that's what he wrote:
I need to say thank you for not giving up on me so far because I know that all I have done to you so far are well below what a husband should do. I really appreciate what you have sacrificed for taking care of our two little “angels” without me alone. So, I would like to take this opportunity to say Sorry to you and ………
Happy Valentine's Day!
That's my Valentine's Day 2012 ....... ^_^