Her 1st lesson
We saw another Art Centre 'D' in town with a lot of kids going in and out everyday and we decided to take look. Angel says she wants to join the ballet lessons but they were only accepting kids 5 years old for ballet lessons.
*For that Angel has been eating 'more' veggies lately because she said she wants to be 5 year old fast! :P*
They were required to decorate their own kites and when she knows what's she's gonna do for the day, she was super excited!

Only 1 other boy (also new member) is joining her kite making class that day. Although we were given the chances to see Angel doing her art work in her class but she keeps turning around to look at me not paying attention to her teacher so I decided to wait outside the classroom , 'listening' to how her class was being conducted.

She can't wait to show me her first kite and say, "妈妈,你看!我‘发’(画)的 kite!" (Mommy, see the kite I have drawn) Her mandarin has improved tremendously over the months and she will call me "妈妈" in front of her 'Chinese' friends and teachers, instead of calling me Mommy *laugh* Sometimes I will be like "Who is mama ... oh, it's me!!" So not use to being call Mama in mandarin :P

She decorated her kites full of BALLS! Colourful balls (so irregularly shaped balls?? hehehehe) in the park with some flowers on the ground. Of course, not missing all the smiley faces again ^_^ First time I saw her do her colouring so neatly and colourfully.

Her 2nd lesson
They put her into the normal drawing classes together with the other kids who are 5 years old and she was very excited to see so many friends in her class. I waited for her outside the classroom and I can hear her loud voice saying, "我!我!我!我!”(me!me!me!)whenever teacher asking the kids to do/ perform something ^_^
I managed to capture some precious pictures of my little girl when one of her classmates went to the toilet who forgot to close the classroom door :P :P All of the kids were soooooo cute wearing their little apron doing the art work :)

After the class ended, she opened the door, walked pass me without even say hi to her own mom *Sigh! Shake head* and chasing behind her little friends saying, "我要洗手!我要洗手!'洗手'在那里?"( I want to wash my hand and where is the wash area?)I am glad that she could communicate with the little kids more and more now ^_^
When daddy wants to help her, she asked daddy to stay away and tell daddy, "No ... I want to wash my hand ALL BY MYSELF!" Angel always has been a very independent girl since very young. But daddy must be feeling a little disappointed while watching the rest of the kids next to our girl who let their parents 'having the honour' to wash their little one's hand but him. *smile* Poor daddy~~~.

Presenting her art work! According to her teacher, she did almost all of her drawings and cutting all by herself because she refused the teacher to help her out *hhmmm ... that's her* but that was indeed a very pretty piece of work :) I am so proud of her :)

Some drawings by her classmates and the drawings all look so cute and naive! I just love each and every one of the drawings so much :) It put smiles on my face :) Some young kids were doing the pottery work in the other classroom too.

The next day, I asked Angel to draw Mommy and that's what she drew. No more 'stick man/woman' and she starts drawing fingers and eyes with eyes lashes and flowers with leaves. A good improvement isn't it?

Most importantly is, Angel loves her lesson so much. But after a month of trial classes, somehow I find the lesson is a bit ...... too 'formal', as formal as those we used to attend during our primary school years? But the drawings from the kids were so cute!!!!
I did talk to the teachers about my concern and the teacher ensured me that they won't teaches the kids how to draw but will 'guide' them instead. However, I am still in a dilemma whether I should put such lesson on hold until she is a few years older as I read somewhere from the book that such lesson would kill a young kid's natural creativity and being mould into one of the same kind?
If Angel really shows an interest in art,then she should carry on with the class...
so excited to see all Angel works.. so clever...
somemore want grow up faster.. hihihi
I love how she decorated the kite! It's very colorful!
Fantastic...Angel is such a smartie. She is now a big sissy thus she wants everything to be on her own hehehe....
Wow, a very good start. I like the picture that she draws, really good!
wow! she's pretty good in art ya? she's got the patience too... good for her :-)
Hi Angel! Long time no see! Sorry for not dropping by for such a long time.. big girl dy I see :D Nice kite you have there :)
Her independence is really like my girl. She wants to do everything by herself too. I suppose it's good in the long term, but drives us nuts when we are in a hurry and she refuses any help!!
Can see that Angel is neat in her work. Good job!
Nice art work Angel!
I love her drawings and paintings. Her cute colourful balls are so neatly and nicely done. Her art class looks very interesting. Wish I could join her... :)
Oh..I miss so many posts. :( Angel has grown up so much. She is progressing really well in arts. Clever girl.
P/S: I only put water in my curry. It still has the curry taste. Not too much water lor. Can use fresh milk or yoghurt too.
Her drawing of the dog is so cute ^^
Hi dear..please come over to mine to grab the award for you... :)
Wow friend, it was such a long hiatus you hv gone to! Keep well and all the best!
Yup, Angel has improved a lot with her art and craft, she is really talented!
So excited to see angel with her class.. I wish can put myboy into such arts class.. Whe loves arts too..
Oh about my boy and his titi.. Got angin 1..hahaha.. Sometimes he play rough with his bro too.. My o my..
She enjoy her class very much. Like her drawing, every one in her drawing have a smiling face :)
Hello...hello...anybody home?? No posting lately? :)
Lovely craft she did!~
Missing your updates on your two gals...blog soon, ok?
I find her art class interesting. Most importantly, Angel is interested with the lessons, so let her carry on.
My son's art class only teaches them to draw an object, then color them. My son finds that too boring and ended up, he quits!
She was wearing a long flowery skirt?
So cute and lovely!
Angel has so much talent in drawing.
She can draw very well.
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