It’s quite unusual to get snow during winter time in areas such as here in Shanghai but this year, it did!!! It happened on the 27th December (Sunday) around 1.30pm and those snowflakes are quite visible and lasted for a few hours too ^_^

When our friend SMS us that it snow, we saw raindrops outside our window and thought it was a joke but with a blow of the wind, suddenly all the raindrops slowly changing into snowflakes! So we quickly grab whatever jacket we can reach for and ran outside like mad. It’s such an amazing view as if we were in a fairyland! Angel was absolutely thrilled and she jumped and squealed with delights “Snow~~! Look …. SNOW~~!!! Wah~~!”. Only then I found out it’s actually very difficult to capture a good decent picture of snowing with a normal digital camera and also a kid running like mad from east to west ‘chasing’ the snow ^_^

Not that Angel is trying to chase the snowflakes and catch them with both hands, but she was trying to catch them with her mouth and laugh happily if she felt ice in her mouth too :P The wind was blowing strongly and I could see Angel’s face were all wet and she could hardly opened her eyes as winds keeps bringing snowflakes into her eyes :P Oh dear ….. although I could see that she is having soooooo much fun but to avoid catching a cold during winter time, too bad we have to cut her fun time short this round.

It was simply amazing to experience all these in a city that rarely snow and hopefully, the cold weather will bring in more snow in the coming days :) We began to enjoy winter time a little more now ^_^