So whenever Angel’s grandpa is preparing the mangoes for her, she would have all the patience in the world, standing at the back of her grandpa in the hot kitchen, watching his every move peeling and slicing the mangoes. If she gets bored after the long wait, she would swinging her hands back and forth, sometimes swing her hands hard left and right as if doing a spin, or putting her hands at her back while tapping her feet, sometimes she will even raised her feet a little looking whether her mangoes is ready on the kitchen table or not, etc. And no matter what she did, one thing for sure is she will never ever moved away from that spot until she gets hold of her bowl of freshly peeled mangoes.

Normally Angel’s grandpa would separated them into individual bowl and if Angel was requested to pass her grandma’s portion to her grandma first, she would be very anxious and become very ‘kan-cheong’ then she would asked “Angel de?? Angel de??” until she was shown that her portion is in another bowl on the table. Then after she has done all the distributing and finally gets her potion, she would hold her bowl extra carefully with eyes glued to the mangoes at all times while having a big grin happily face marching out from the kitchen.
I didn’t expect that she would love mangoes so much and I guess, that must be in the gene, mommy’s gene :P :P