The scale is out again which signifies that Angel is another month older. At her 21st month, Angel is 81cm tall (10-25 percentile) and weight 11.8kg (50-75 percentile) thanks to grandma’s round the clock feedings while she pays us a visit here :)
Angel is napping lesser and lesser nowadays. Sometimes she would only take maximum 1 hour afternoon naps and sometimes totally skip her napping despite waking up very early in the morning and sleeps late. She is getting more and more independent as compare to last month and totally self feed herself by now. She still loves her Barney cartoon and her educational DVDs, and also showing interest in some movies which I never thought that she would love such as 1) American’s Funniest Home Videos, 2) Mr Bean - both real and animation 3) Singing Program e.g. Japanese traditional song.
She starts to be very picky and selective against her food lately and would use her tongue to push those foods she doesn’t like out from her mouth one by one like a food separator LoL. She also refused to eat foods which have weird / dark looking colours and also most of the items which we could find on a salad bar if we feed her those food directly. She takes 9 oz of milk 3-4 times per day, 2 solid meals and 1 tea break. Egg is her new food for the month and I am glad that she is doing great so far.
She starts hopping and jumping and could do them pretty well now. She was able to walk up and down the stairs all by herself by holding onto the side of the walls. Her latest stunts and a must do of all time at the moment is “jumping down from a curb / the lowest level of the a steps ” :( She also starts to do some drawings and stickers exercises. She knows how to twist opened a bottle cap too. As in terms of speech, she is in the progress of shifting from single word to 2 letter words and also showing sign of willingness to learn and would repeat words after us and/or pointing at the correct items when she was asked. Her learning capability is starting to show in the past few days and she is able to match 1) Pictures of the same kind and also 2) Head and the Body of different animals correctly. Although she is still confused and always mixed up between the ‘Lion’ and the ‘Elephant’ but she is able to recognized quite a numbers of new animals and things that we show her. When she was asked to count 1-10, she would always refused to say the the number 1 and would always skip the number 7 (seven). She would also surprise us with 1 or 2 new words everyday and that was pretty amazing.
She definitely love to mimic whatever we are doing lately. The most ‘Surprised’ act of hers was once we saw her showing us how a ‘boy’ wee wee - standing up aiming to the toilet bowl and making the shee~~~ sound !!!!! Oh my ……. I think she was actually watching/ observing hubby doing his business outside the toilet all these while!! And she is getting more and more stubborn and refused to take our orders any longer since the last few days. I have been raising my voice at home more and more each day and so does hubby. Sometimes I have to repeat like 100 of times asking her not to do that but in the end, she still does it :( Now I have one little cutie pie who simply would play deaf with me all the time which really drives me up the wall ……. until she sees the cane. But most of the time, I think she actually enjoys seeing the cane where she would laugh happily and run quickly asking me to chase her with my short little magic cane *slap forehead* Normally, I would cane my little magic cane on the table a few times when I am really at my wit’s end and it really does work magic on my little Angel most of the time. Besides that, we also accidentally found out that she is afraid of Lizards, Spiders and Worms, etc. She is also afraid of some moving object such as a moving battery powered train, a walking doll and would screams her heads off when we try to encourage her and showing her that it’s just a piece of toy. She just hates stuffs that will move on it’s own.
However, as before, she still loves and required lots of hugs and kisses from me and hubby and loves to accompany her in whatever she does. She also loves kids and would approach them and wants to play with them and totally not afraid of strangers if they don’t touch her or pinched her on her cheeks. She would wave bye-bye to everyone and even fly-kiss everyone when she is in the mall. But still, everyone still somehow mistaken her for a boy most of the time and she would normally got the compliments of “Oh, Handsome boy!” Hahahaha ……. Although she looks boyish but she definitely is one of the gentlest, most loving and caring little cutie pie which makes me love her more and more each day :)
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1 day ago
Happy 21 months old Angel! Another few months she will turn 2 years old. Are you excited, mummy?
She is getting smarter and growing well each day. I'm so impressed that she is feeding herself now. Keep it up, Angel!
*clap hands clap hands*
Angel you are so smart and I'm glad you are developing well.
Hmmm, maybe daddy need to close the door while doing biz ;)
Mummy Gwen, hhmm ....I am a bit sad that she is growing up so fast actually :) I love that she is still my little baby at this moment kissing and hugging me all the time :)
Rachel, hahaha .... actually hubby did close the door half way when he is doing his business but Angel likes to peep :P :P Wow .... your profile picture really so 'in' leh with the pink hat :) :) For few seconds I don’t recognised it’s you and wondering who’s that young girl until I saw your name :P :P But I love it!! do you feel ya! Your girl growing and growing. Few more month and years Angel will be your friend..
But still as mumwe will miss her baby time..she's crawling, walking..her smile with no teeth..but time flies very fast..
Anyhow..happy 21 month Angel..chaiyok..chaiyok..
somehow after the age of 6 mths, they grow sooo fast dun u think? i envy her drinking 9oz of milk 3 times a day.. ethan only drinks 4oz 4 times a day..
Hi Sha, yes, she is growing pretty fast and I really cannot imagine she will be 2 soon :) It seems like yesterday that she was just a new born and now she is running and jumping all around the house already :)
Hi Merryn, yes, you are right, they really grow too fast even for my memory to recoup back the day she was still my little baby :) Maybe it’s time for no. 2? Hahahaha …. She has a huge tummy, so we have to control her intake to 3 times per day or else, she will grow into a giant :) She just love her milk so much la. There was once after a 9 oz milk, she manage to finish another bottle of 9 oz of juice ….. gosh!! It’s either she was very thirsty or very hungry :P :P
Angel is growing up so well. She don't look boyish to me. Maybe you have to tie her hair and put on some hair accessories then people won't mistaken her gender.
So envy lar, Angel only 11.8kg...Daniel is around 10kg...I imagine when he is around Angel's age, how heavy is he ya??
I'm very surprised, at such a young age she loves Japanese traditional song??? Amazing....
Julie, ya … I think I have to tie her hair up all the time :) Or maybe I should grow her hair a little bit longer coz she use to have short hair all the time :)
Natalia, I think Daniel is growing great!! He looks cute to me :) Actually I have been controlling Angel’s meal since she was about 8 months old because her paed says she is too overweight. If we feed in demand, I think she will be much bigger then she is now :)
Happy 21st month to lil' Angel... Time really flies ya Caroline... Indeed your cutie pie is not as "little" as you thought ya.. ;) LOL..
OMG!!! Angel loves Mr Bean too? So does Ashton... once my cousin (she stayed with us for the school holidays) switched on Mr Bean's cartoon, when Ashton saw Mr Bean's funny act he really laugh by himself... I can't imagine kids nowadays love Mr Bean!
You really hv a "hyper-active" kid there Caroline... What time does she wake up every morning?
Kids nowadays are quite picky eater... Just want good food. My cousin, and Ashton also like that. They will push the not-so-nice-food out of their mouth, especially plain rice...! *sigh*
Talking about your magic cane, I have a magic rubber as I think that it's easier to bring around wherever I go... even in my handbag... *LOL*...
Esmeralda, Hahaha …. Ashton loves Mr. Bean too? And laugh at his act too? Kekeke … that’s so cute!! Angel will not laugh but she will be really concentrated on the tv :) Luckily she likes Mr. Bean so that I can watch together as well :)
Angel will normally wakes up at 7am the latest. Early huh? Oh … but Angel loves rice, she will push out the rest of the food apart from the rice / meat from her meal if I cut the vege into bigger chuck.
Hahaha …. You have a magic rubber band as well ah? Hahaha …… Tell you what, I have a ‘magic rubber’ which works wonders 3 months ago too …. but it’s kinda ‘lost it’s magic’ already after awhile. Do you know how to revive the magic of my magic rubber band????? Coz like you’ve mention, it’s impossible to bring my magic cane out with me but most of the time, I think I need some magic stuffs to opened up Angel’s ears a bit :P :P
Hehe.. he sort of like Mr Bean... Wah, Angel wakes up very early lar.. Ashton woke up around 8-8.30am. Slps around 10.30pm.
It's the other way round with Ashton. He pushes out everything but the meat... He loves meat.. meat and meat.. just like Daddy.. if the rice is not mashed properly (or if I've given him too big a spoonful), he will push it out! Everytime he tell him "meat-meat", he quickly open his mouth, but if you bluff him and put in other things (usually would be rice/porridge), he will push them out.. *sigh*
Why? Angel not scared of the magic rubber? Ashton really scared - when he sees it, he will move away... hahaha... but the effect also not so long lar.. he will forget very fast one... Have u been scaring her with the rubber all the time? Coz if u do, maybe it dun have any effect on her already..
Oh, Angel loves meat too, just like her father :) But Ashton loves meat is better then don’t like meat at all for sure :)
I think we have used our rubber band too often on Angel, as you can imagine seeing the rubber band everyday, she was immune to it already. She don’t even feel the pain when we band her …. She just scratched a bit then seems like feel nothing at all. Like my mom says, that’s what we call ‘kulit lembu’. Even with the cane also she don’t really afraid of it. But the cane really does helps a bit because lately, whatever we asked her not to do, she will purposely do it. I have tried talking nicely to her until 100 times but seems like she just play death with me until she saw the cane :(
Oh well.. whatever it is, I think moderation is still the best. Get out your secret weapon only when it's necessary, and dun let her play with it otherwise it will become one of her toys. *LOL*
Got one time Ashton hide my rubber band till I can't find it... I think he's scared of me using it against him!
Esmeralda, hahaha ... 1 smart boy you have there. Angel will always wants my rubber band, don't know why .... but I have tons at home :) Maybe I should really lessen the times which I saw her the cane too ..... and not letting her play with it. But tell you ah, she is entering into another stage lately and I really developed sore throat just by yelling at her all the time, hahaha.
Haha.. what stage is Angel entering into?
Now Ashton is entering into "imitating" stage.. likes to imitate what we are doing, and how we reacted to him..
Angel was like that couple of months ago too .... imitating what we do at home (so cute) and even how hubby pee pee in the toilet LoL Kids really look so cute in thier actions hor .....
I think she is marching into the terrible 2 stage ..... not too far already leh :( Praying now ... for myself to be strong and have more patience to deal with her, hahaha.
Haha...cutie pie!
If me, I will sure laugh when seeing how she mimic man wee wee.
Joanne, we were shock at first ... coz all this while, we didn't know that she is actually watching hubby at the back ..... that's mean we really have to be careful in showing her things now, hahaha !
Well done.
My Jessica only 10kg+
happy if see baby gain weight.
Nicole, 10kg is a very ideal weight leh, just nice ..... :)
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