Urrrggghhh ……… Angel broke her xylophone playing stick again!!! She broked her 1st xylophone (green colour) just merely 3 weeks playing with them despite I told her thousand of times not to bend them but she just loves to twist and bend the stick until they finally snapped! I tried to glue them back in position but in vain. So few days ago, I took out the other new xylophone (red colour) which I bought few weeks back to replace her broken one. I just missed and loved the sound of the xylophone and loved holding her hands and played her favourite ABC song together with her. After I handed the new xylophone to her and asked her to take good care of them and went into the kitchen to get ready her lunch and guess what, few minutes later, she came into the kitchen crying and handed me her xylophone playing stick ……. splitting into 2 ……. UUuurrrrrrgggggghhhhh!!!!! …….. She broke her new xylophone playing stick again!!!!!!! I almost screamed at her which I didn’t because seeing her crying so pitifully. She must be horrified and sad too (Errmm …… I hope).
I tried to glue this one back too but I think it can’t be put together as the previous one. I really do not understand why she loves to break the playing sticks into 2 and would get both her hands into the snapping position once she saw that I am not watching her. So today, I bought another new xylophone (sky blue in colour) for her again ……. I do hope that she will not break the playing stick again ….. or else, I will be really mad!! Now I am wondering should I throw away the previous 2 with no sticks to play with anymore coz I can’t seems to find a suitable tools to play them either? How do I keep her from breaking this one …. again?

Wah..yr Angel must be really into the xylophone till the stick broke..hehe. I bought Gwen's xylophone from ToysRus though it's more expensive but the stick definitely won't break. The stick it's shape of a bone and the body looks like a doggie.
ops, 2 sticks broken! I think she doesnt aware that once the stick has been broken, she can't play with the xylophone anymore.
I also got a same set of xylophone that Mommy Gwen has. So, maybe you wanna consider that? Coz that type of stick, is very difficult to break.
You should keep the previous xylophone. Can use something else as the stick like spoon maybe.
Can replace the stick by chopstick or not huh?
I didn't buy Xixi a xylophone, cos i can foresee she will sit on top of it, like how she sit on her toy piano!
Mummy Gwen & Joanne, I bought th e same xylophone for sean... Fisher Price's 1 rite? I think you should buy this for Angel as well... The stick not so easy to break~~~
Angel showing her SKILL..
very keng. going to become a great musician..
wow... she's really strong and could break the sticks!
Yeah, can try out using the chopsticks or spoon to replace the broken ones...
Yes yes Kylie..it's from Fisher Price. ;)
Wah...break 2 sticks already.Maybe can use chopstick to replace.Better dun throw tat 2 old xylophone away.Just keep it first.
Hi Mummy Gwen, Joanne, Peiwun, Oh ... the FP xylophone is really nice but initially, I prefers those long playing sticks, more 'siok' to play with instead of the short doggie bone, .... but since she always snapped her playing stick, maybe I should really reconsider about the FP xylophone now hor ... thanks ya :)
Julie, Rachel, Doreen and Mery, ya lor .... I think I will just keep in the storeroom first la .... throw away also very sayang hor.
Serene, kekeke .... Xixi likes to sit on her piano ah? My Angel is even worst, she likes to step on them laughting happily @_@ but I guess kids are all like that .... sigh.
Wah! Angel really 'cow' oh make 2 sticks till broken @___@
I didn't buy this Xylophone for my girl to play it. Each time she saw xylophone she will shout hahhaa! I think i should buy 1 for her. And im so sure will like Angel too coz Natalie also very 'cow' @___@
hahahhaa.. so funny.. i think cant help hoh? :P
Poor Angel (for breaking her xylophone), and poor mummy (for having to buy new ones for her).. I think kids are like that Caroline. They like to hear things broken, or even enjoy the act of breaking things. We just have to be patient with them. Like Ashton, he loves tearing books, and throwing our air-cond remotes till the remotes broke into pieces..
Btw, I love xylophones too. Where did u get your xylophones? Any recommendations?
got a tag for u
Hi Caroline, have you been busy lately? You have been quiet lately.. :P
I have an award for you dear: http://mummygwen.blogspot.com/2008/10/butterfly-award.html
Ping, one thing you are right about Angel, she is really 'cow' at home leh ..... don't behave like a girl at all! No wonder ppl still mistaken her for a boy!
Agnes, ya lor .... don't know what's in her mind actually :(
Hi Esmeralda, oh .... tearing books ah? So far all the books I got for Angel is the hard covers, hahaha .... I will me amazed if she can tear that, kekekeke ..... if you are planning to get one, I think I will recommended the Fisher Price coz like other mommies said, the stick is not easy to break. But for your info, her first xylophone I got it from Karamunsing for RM10 but not good, the tune is all out .... maybe I will go for the FP one also if she ever breaks this one again :) Oh Ya ..... I also seen some wooden xylophones too but am not sure about the price though.
PeiWun, ok and thank you ya :)
Mummy Gwen, Thanks for the award. Ya lor ... very busy with Angel lately coz she has been very naughty and cranky lately. I AM REALLY DRAINED!!!!
they simply love to break or bite, isnt it?...same goes for ethan..:(
Thanks Caroline. I will go and get the FP xylophone then. I got hard cover books for Ashton too, but wid pages that can open-up as well, so there goes the hard cover books!
Hi Irene, oh ... Ethan loves to bite and breaks too?? Yeah ... I guess kids just loves what kids do :)
Esmeralda, hohohoho ...... that is so funny of Ashton. I was so tempted to by one of those 3D hard covers too but after reading your comments, I think better to leave that until she is much older I guess. So .... Ashton has turned all his 3D hard covers back into 2D basically, hahahaha :P :P
you are right too Caroline. Coz the normal brand of xylophone will have longer stick, so is more shiok for Angel to hit the note.
Maybe you buy the fisher price one, and let her play..and hope she will likes it.
Thanks Joanne, I think I will buy the FP one if she breaks this xylophone again .... which I hope she don't :P
Hehe..is she really breaks it (touch wood), then maybe you need to use a spoon or chopstick for her to hit the note..hehe.
Joanne, let's hope she won't la :)
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