* but sadly no picture was taken coz the snowflakes are really too ‘few’ to be capture by the camera :( :( *

While I was gazing outside the window, suddenly I saw that the raindrops today seem a little larger then usual and I look closer ……. OMG, it’s some snowflakes mixing with the rain! So I started to shouted uncontrollably with all I might for Angel who is doing her caterpillar crawl *again* outside our bedroom corridor
“ANGELLLLL~~~~!! COME QUICK~~~~~!!!!! IT’S SNOWING~~~~!!!!!!!!!!”
Then suddenly I saw her running like a lightning, shaking and look a little frighten while whining a little, rushing towards me hugging me tide ….. oh dear, I must have frighten this poor little girl with my sudden loud shout, poor girl!! *sorry dear*
After she has calm down, I show her the ‘very few’ snowflakes falling from the sky outside our house and tell her that they were snow. Although it just lasted for 1-2 minutes and melted before even touching the land, I think no one can really noticed that it’s snowing if they didn’t look closer but at least Angel did see ‘some’ of her first few snowflakes today :P It has been years since my last snow and I kind of missing it at this moment though ……..

Right now, the first thing I really need to do is to ask hubby to get me and Angel both a raincoat so if ‘miracle’ does happen again, we will be the first one to zoom out of the house and feel it for real ^_^