I think my decision to delay the introductions of Strawberries to Angel was correct. As information gathered from the internet, despite all the goodness which can be found in the fruit itself, Strawberries are also one of the potential high allergen fruits which is advisable for babies above 12 months old and also advised to be avoided longer if the baby have high risk of being intolerance to strawberries. But since she is going to be 2 next week, I wanted to give it a try to see whether she is ready to accept the fruit.
Hence few days ago, I asked hubby to pick up some strawberries from the supermarket on his way back from work. Too bad those pretty bright red coloured strawberries were not as sweet as it looks. At first, I thought that Angle wouldn’t want to eat them after her first bite but on the contrary, she loves it so much despite it’s a bit sour. She can’t even wait until I finished washing the fruits and start crying hinting me to give her those strawberries :) She really enjoyed her fruit so much!!
But after having a few of them about half an hour later, she starts having diarrhoea which is one of the sign of food intolerance! I am glad that she is just having some loose stools without the sign of tummy cramps and no rashes appear on her mouth, body or bottom. *phew* So I guess I will have to eliminate strawberries from her menu for the moment being still until her tummy and body is stronger enough to consume the fruit again with the hope that she will outgrown her food reaction towards strawberries real soon :) So is that also an indication of no oranges for her still? I am still considering ………….
Nice try though …. She can’t have them for now but at least she knows how a strawberry looks like and taste like :) We had a good day exploring with the fruit, let her feel the texture and show her how bright and nice a strawberry can be :)
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1 day ago
Oh..intolerance to strawberries cannot eat oranges wan ah?
Wah..learning through food, that's great..hehe
Mummy Gwen, coz both fruits have high acidic contain which will be a bit harsh for sensitive tummy like Angel's.
Ya .... learning through food is great! I just started Angel with that few weeks ago coz I found the drawings / picture in the books sometimes quite hard for them to imagine as all are in 2D :)
Since Little Angel can't take strawberry at this moment, then can try other fruits for her like kiwi,grape,honeydew,etc. When I first start to introduce oren to Ryan, I also bit scared whether his stomach can take it or not...but then after 1 hr, I found that he is OK with Oren. and he likes it alot. I can say Ryan like any kind of fruits except durian.
oh.. hahaha.. i did not monitor ethan's food intake to that extend.. aiyoyo... now i feel so guilty for stuffing that boy with simply watever n not waiting if he is tolerating it or not.... :(
Good for Angel...My son don't like strawberry.. lol..
yup good that to test out the fruit first... thank God it's just diarrhoea and not hives! :)
Maybe she has taken too much? My niece (my husband's - to be more accurately) also have the same symptoms when she consumed too much strawberries/blueberries/cherries. According to their family physician, berries should be taken in moderation, esp in children...
But I believe for Angel's case, it's more too allergic reaction right? Anyway, at least Angel got to taste strawberries... Haha... Ashton got his taste of strawberries when we were back in Perth... and yes, no matter how sour the fruit can be, he just will bite into it *lol*
Lucky little Angel is ok....me not yet try strawberry for little Kyle, may be later....
Wow, so fast little Angel going to be 2 in 2 days time!! :-)
I like to see Angel eating the strawberries..is she using the tooth-pick to pick the cubes? So smart lah...so comel too!
I have not introduced thse lovely fruits because the strawberries sold here are straight from NZ and taste quite sour. Are the Cameron highland's strawberries quite sweet?
My kids love oranges, apples, bananas and fragrant pears.
It's good that Angel only have a slight reaction. I think it is also due to the high content of Vit C which the baby's tummy became intolerence yea. But the bright red colour attracted her very much...even me! LOL
Mery, ya …… I have tried other fruits for her already except the Strawberries (now tested), Oranges, Pineapple and Durian. How come he don’t like durian? Do you or your hubby don’t like durian as well coz it might be in the genes too :) Me and hubby loves durian so HOPEFULLY she will loves it la but then, durian also very heaty.
Merryn, if your Ethan is doing fine then it’s ok. For Angel case is different, she has been going in and out of the clinics all the time and taking way too much of antihistamine for her allergy problems already so no choice other then really monitor her closely lo :( You won’t be curious why your baby suddenly have loose stools??? I will …. Kekekeke
Cath, how come? Is it because the strawberries that you bought were too sour? I hardly can get very sweet one nowadays.
Kristie, ya … I am glad that I tested on her and know that she does not tolerate with strawberries.
Esmeralda, too much ah … but that’s just the smallest 3 – 4 biji leh (it’s like having 6-8 grapes only) coz I am also afraid that she has allergic reaction. Is that consider too much? Hhhmmm …….
- oh, Ashton have his strawberries in Australia ah? He will not ask for the fruit now? How about oranges?
Yugene, Ya lor …. So fast hor, 4 more days to go …. Can’t believe it! Time really flies :)
Ummi, hi dear ….. nope, that’s not a toothpick but something similar, she is eating with a food pick which we use to do Bento so it has a grip for the kids to hold on :)
- I am not sure about Cameron Highland’s strawberries but those I got is imported from USA one, but not sweet at all la.
- wow … your kids really having a lot of fruits already :) Oh …. Is it because of high vitamin C? Learn something new today … but I do love the colour of strawberries :) I haven’t tried the orange yet, maybe I will try them later but my girl is just like your kids, she loves bananas :P
Angel get to learn through food, that is great! I wish Angel happy birthday in advance!! Time flies... she is a big girl girl now =)
Serene, thanks for your wish for Angel :) *muaks*
Well, I don't know whether that's too much or not for Angel, but since you said is the smallest size, I think that's not the problem then, coz I remembered Ashton took about half packet of the strawberries at Perth, and only after my SIL there saw him eating that much, then she told me the "too-much theory"... Thank God that he is fine with strawberries... He of coz won't ask for the strawberries here coz I didn't show to him, and I seldom buy here coz the strawberries here are not that nice.
He loves oranges as well, but he just can't seem to eat dragonfruit yet.. he tend to spit it out - maybe coz of the small seedlings there... Does Angel like dragonfruit?
I also have yet to intro strawberries and oranges to Sarah. The reason is, I cant find a nice strawberries at the market nearby and I am afraid orange will cause phlegm.
it is good that Angel have tested strawberries before. It is a yummy fruit anyway.
Esmeralda, ya …. Everyone is telling me the same – too much, but I think if I were to give it to her, it’s impossible 1 or 2 only coz the fruits is just too small, if taking 1 or 2 same as not taking at all la, Hahahaha ….. for Ashton, he took half of packet but yet no diarrhea? Wow ….
- Oh … Ashton is fine with Oranges too? That’s good!!! No …. I have yet to try dragon fruit on Angel and not planning to coz according to my mom and sister, after taking the fruit they will feel dizzy, I have not tried out myself coz don’t have chance to try for the past 30 + years, can you believe it??? But since there is family history of that kind, so I better not to let Angel have them until she is able to communicate to me and telling me whether she feels dizzy too.
Joanne, IC ….. oranges will cause phlegm ya? Someone also told me after taking oranges, she sure will cough non stop without any reason. Last time everyone use to tell me how good and nutritious oranges were but I guess not generally to all people ya? Anyway, vitamin C can be obtained from other sources too so I don’t think it’s a great problem la :)
omg.. where is my comment ah??? I remembered I did leave something at this post wor!!!! >-(
I wanted to share hoh.. chloe ok with strawberry but not ok with grapes even until now.. like for angel, we did try on & off la.. but my mom let her try grape again also she got some mild cough immediately aft that.. but then ok w most fruits wor.. pelik la..
btw, she ok with orange so far.. my mom suggest for non-chilled orange la.. wont cos so much phlegm since the reason for it might not be the orange but chilled food? not sure lah..
somehow dare not let her eat TOO MUCH of fresh fruits though is good.. since some will cause wind or phlegm... susah la
Hi Agnes, I really appreciate the fact that you are taking all the trouble re-typing your comment and sharing your experience with me here. Thank you so much dear.
Grapes???? Oh … I have another blog friend also can’t take in orange and she will cough non-stop if she takes the fruit. And also another blog friend who will have tummy upset if she takes pineapples even just a small piece … so really depends on the individual I think. But I am glad that Chloe is fine with oranges. If it’s because of the chilled grapes then she will also coughing after taking ice cream, has she?? Ya … I agree too much fresh fruits is not good too so must keep it to a moderate amount. But if she can’t take grapes, I don’t think it’s a problem as there were so much fruits in the market that will have the same values of vitamin in them.
BTW, did you remove the skin of the grapes when you feed her? (just wondering la coz nothing to do with the skin and the coughing unless it’s not properly washed la) and also, have you ever thinking to let her try the ‘grape juice’ just to make sure it’s the grapes???
Haha.. yup Ashton took half a packet, and if I don't stop him and hubby (coz he gave more to him - he'll give in more compared to me), I think he can have more than half a packet! Yes he is fine with oranges but I seldom gave him that and grapes too - worried of phelgm, esp grapes will cause more phelgm & cough!
Dragonfruit can cause dizziness? This is the first time I heard of it, but since your whole family is like that, then don't take the chance on Angel.. Hehe...at least you have to try first lar! I can't imagine you've not eaten dragonfruit before, the texture is more/less like kiwi, but sweeter... Poor you...
Oh my … I didn’t know grapes will cause phlegm as much as an orange leh. Thanks for sharing. I will give her 5-6 grapes everyday when I bought the fruit and I am glad that she is doing well with them, phew.
Oh …. The texture of the dragon fruit is similar to kiwi and sweeter? Gosh … I don’t even know how to peel the skin of a dragon fruit leh, how ah? Coz they said dragon fruit will aid lowering the blood pressure and my mom and sister have lower blood pressure so maybe that’s the reason for feeling dizziness gua? Maybe I shall try it but then, have to learn how to peel the fruit first or else, I am afraid that I will take the part which I am not suppose to coz I really never seen a dragon fruit up close before.
yea, we removed the skin & check to make sure no seed also lah.. but still cannot wor..
I let her tried ice cream also.. she is ok also.. :S
she also can take Ribena wor.. which consist of blackcurrant ma.. she ok wor.. she ok with pitted prunes also..
only the GRAPE!!!!! sigh... nvm.. we hardly buy grape anyway.. hahahahaaa
Yup.. grapes will cause phelgm esp if our child is having cough - it'll worsen!
Do check this website on how to peel the dragonfruit as I dunno how to explain in detail to you lar.. http://www.reallyrawfood.com/fruity-subjects-and-some-veggies/
After you've sliced them half, you can cut them according to the sizes you want. We only eat the white/pink flesh (if you get the pink flesh one). Since you are in Thai, it's easier to get there I think... coz I bought Thai dragonfruit and it's superb!
And I think that's the reason your mum & sis felt dizzy after taking it coz they have low blood pressure....
Agnes, hahahaha …. Then it really must be the grapes then. Since you hardly buy grapes then shouldn’t be a big problem for you I guess. But our family loves grapes so much so I am glad that so far *touch wood* Angel is fine with grapes. Somehow I must control also as I got info from you guys that it really will cause phlegm so better taken in moderation :)
Esmeralda, Noted!! I will avoid grapes for Angel if she is having cough and also will limit her intake to few grapes per day only as everything over is bad :)
- Thanks for the info, I will try out the fruit myself if I manage to find one and now I have another problem, how to know the fruit is ripe enough to eat and how to choose one? Hahahahha …. Told you I really never seen one up close before. Oh nvm, I just go and see got those ready one selling by hawker or not? Thanks a lot Esmeralda!
Hmmm... u've given me a tough Q lar... kekekeke... I also dunno how to find out whether the fruit is ripe or not. Usually jst buy from supermarket & cross my fingers that when cut, the fruits are ripe... U must try n let me know ya!
Esmeralda, hahahaha ... then it's pretty easy la. Ok ok , I will do like your way then, fingers crossed!! LoL
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