【Annabelle @ 1Y9M】
Little Annabelle behaved like an angel throughout her Jie Jie Angel's 5th birthday dinner and celebration (apart from pulling the Snow White heads off incident in my previous post, of course :P). She observed whatever Angel is doing quietly at the side, smiling along whenever she saw something interested her and sometimes, will also lays her hands touching here and there without making much noise. She is such a sweet cutie pie (^_^)
And then she observed her big jie jie blows her candles, unwrapped all the gifts one by one ........
Without uttering a word, she just sat quietly on her high chair, and watched and watched and watched until ........
We pop a question to her Angel Jie Jie
"Angel, you are 5 years old today!!! Yeh!!! Are you happy Angel???"
Then suddenly before getting a reply from the birthday girl, we heard a voice from the other side of the table, Annabelle:
"No .... Not Happy!!! Belle Not Happy!!! Belle is Sad!!" :( :( and when we finally takes our eyes and concentration away from the birthday girl and lay them on little Annabelle, we saw little Annabelle already making a face as below ...... O.o
O.o We laugh so hard coz we didn't expect that this little Annabelle who is only 1Y9M old baby would have such hard feelings towards her elder sister's birthday :P :P She did enjoy the party laughing and giggling along as what I saw, but she was just not so happy to the fact that it's not HER birthday after all LoL
So to make up to this little cutie pie, we gave her a big piece of cake as a reward for being such a good girl throughout the celebration. She ate the cake happily but then, she stills uttering the same phrase on and on, "Belle not happy, Belle sad!" and give us that same 'not-so-happy' face with pouted lips which is just soooooo cute to associate with the word SAD, hahahahahahaha ......
After everything was over and Angel Jie Jie was happily playing with her new laptop that night, Annabelle suddenly grab one of her books and say:
"哪~~, 姐姐 有 computer, Belle 有 computer! Belle 的 Computer!!!"
(Nah, Jie Jie have her computer, Belle have a computer too and this is Belle's computer!)
Whenever Angel's birthday, Annabelle is not happy and when it's Annabelle's birthday, Angel is not happy either. O.o
To be frankly, how I wished both of them can share the same birthday so everyone can remain happy? *wishful thinking* But it's certainly so funny to see both girl's reaction, hahahahaha! What can I say. KIDS!!!!! :P