I hope that I can update my little Annabelle's development as much as I could just like what I did for my Angel, but I guess having 1 and 2 kids makes the difference in terms of time. Our sudden move to China also means a totally lost my internet access to blogspot, multiply or facebook (blocked by government) hence it's almost impossible for me keep contact and update as much as I would like to.
But since Angel start schooling in Malaysia half year ago, I starts flying between 2 (or more) countries every 2 weeks or so means I spend most of the time 'flying' rather then blogging. Tired ..... but I am trying to keep my blog going and try to post as much as I could when I am back home in Malaysia.
Little Annabelle is quite different from her big sister. This little sweetie pie doesn't fond of her picture being taken. I have less pictures of her as compare to Angel as Angel would requested we took her pictures and happily posing for us, but no luck with Annabelle as yet. But when she finally does look at camera, she either give us a fierce look or she would move so much that all her pictures looks 'blurry'. I remember Angel were in that 'blurry picture' stage once before too, capturing a decent picture seems impossible.

^ ^ In the 'blurry' picture stage
Since she is approaching nearer and nearer to the 'terrible 2', we have started the 'naughty corner' on her too. And when we say '罚站' and put her at her naughty corner, she wouldn't dare to move at all and start weeping softly holding onto her handkerchief wiping her tears like a little missy being bullied :P So 'kesian' just by looking at her weeping softly.
Unlike her big sister, Angel would retaliate and screaming on top of voice already if she were being put there!

Annabelle apparently to be a very tall girl and she can reach onto almost anything on the table already. But when we said "No" for something she wanted to reach, she would put her hands at her back and staring at the thing for a very long time, wanted but don't dare to touch them!
But these few weeks, she has changed into a totally different person, starts grabbing onto everything that she possibly could reach and 'No' doesn't seems to work magic on her anymore.

She is a huge fans of food and anything that can be eaten. She could finished a big bowl of rice, following by a huge bananas, then a bottle of diluted apple juice and starting to asked for her share of biscuits!!!! She surely have big appetite!
She manage finished 1 1/2 big Chinese bun (大包) all by herself too!! @_@ She is still having her milk every 3-4 hours intervals and also her 3 meals of solid food. At night, she is still waking up 1 or 2 times for her midnight feeding and if we don't give her, she would keep crying and refuse to fall asleep afterward. So normally her big can of 1.7kg milk will only last about 10-14 days @_@

She starts self feeding at 18 months too and refused to be fed most of the time. Lately, she would starts playing on her food rather then eating them nicely. She also doesn't want to eat porridge anymore and prefer rice or noddles. Most of the time, she loves to wipe her meal all over her face and hair and then ask us to see her naughty action :P

^ ^ She would be able to tell us "Hhhhhmmm, nice~~! 好吃~~~!" if she loves her meal.
Annabelle's hair grows very slow too. We did shave her hair as according to the tradition during her 1 month old but I think it doesn't worked to make her hair grow faster and thinker :( Therefore, she looks very much like a baby boy and most of the time being mistaken for a "handsome boy" instead. *laugh*

^ ^ She dislike her picture being taken and when we asked her to smile, she would give me that very fierce look of hers @_@
Luckily she is ok to put on her hat or hairband, and she would grab for them when she knows that we will be out shopping. She can be looking very girlie at times but once the hat/ hairband is off, she will transform back to "him" :P

Annabelle loves books too and play with dolls (Angel is afraid of most dolls). Learning wise, she could remember all the pictures representing A-Z and pointed them out all correctly and telling us 1-10 if she was in the mood. She can communicate with us pretty advance now (calling me for dinner too) and when we asked her, "Are you happy?" and she would answer, "HAA~PEE~~~~~" and give us a big bright smile :)

Unlike Angel, Annabelle doesn't likes drawing at all and until now, she doesn't even have a single masterpiece of artwork completed. She would play with the crayons, throwing them around and even scribble them on her high chair but just not the drawing board we bought for her :(

^ ^ Mommy, I don't like to draw ok?!
So please can you stop asking me to draw again?
But she surely has a talent that Angel doesn't have, that's singing! She loves to sing and her favourite VCD are not cartoons nor educational VCD, but Children songs or nursery rhymes. Once played, she would happily singing, swaying, stepping along to the beat of the music. Although she can't sing a complete song yet but she will follow and sing out one or 2 last few words at the end of each lines in a song.
And not forgot to mention, she has a very big feet too measuring 15.1cm at this stage and wearing most of Angel's 2-3 years old shoes!!

I am totally in love with this little girl especially when she constantly calling me "Ah Mee~~, Ah Mee ~~~~~~"
Height: 87cm
Weight: 14.6kg
@ [1Y9M]